All theShine 3se words come to mind when thinking about this year’s True Colours Arise conference.

Have you ever read Alice in Wonderland? ‘WONDER LAND…’ The thought of entering, and like Alice, living in ‘Wonderland’ conjures up so many images in my mind. What is a land of wonders?

We are meant to live in a wondrous place of grace, beauty and power with a wonderful God. “Great God of wonders, God of grace,” as the old hymn says. Our God is supernatural – He lives in that realm of the heavenly places where miracles are normal and signs and wonders are part of His ways.

Wonderful! Wonders all around! Wondrous!

In my mind’s eye I see flashes of light, like colourful stars all around, and have a feeling of being lifted off the ground, floating – delightful and wondrous! I see myself looking down on a broken world, and being a part of the answer, if only in a small sense.

Ladies, don’t ever lose that childlike ability to enjoy God.  You see, if you are childlike, it means you are dependent on God. It also means you enjoy and take pleasure in who God is and what He does. If He IS, then He must DO, because love always brings action. Love starts in our heart and manifests through our hands, our feet, or our mouth (in words). In other words, there is action.

We need to shine our ‘God colours’ in a world needing ‘character colour’ to shine, and in this way draw people to the God in us, producing in them a desire to know Him. He demonstrates His wonderful and generous nature through us.

God has many, many attributes, but this time we are talking about His wonders. God desires us to live in Wonder Land – because He is wonderful and He wants to make our lives wonderful. Actually, you are a wonder. Sometimes you become a sign in this world to make people wonder.

See you at Arise!

Pastor Mariana Crompton