Wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, employee…WOMAN. You may be one of these, or all of these, but is that all you are?
How much does the value you place on yourself come from what you do rather than who you are? If every title and every task was removed from you, would you see yourself as any less valuable?
In Genesis God tells Abraham that He will give him all that he sees. What do you see? Your authority is directly linked to your identity. You will only ever have and be what you see. I believe that the world has dumbed down the identity of women all over the globe, to diffuse and disarm us by convincing us that we, alone, are never enough. You are enough.With the power of the Holy Spirit within you, you are enough. With the love of God wrapped around you, you are enough. With the blood of Jesus that covers you, you are enough!
You are a mighty warrior. You are a force to be reckoned with. You are a woman of God, and that is invaluable. There is no weapon, force or army that can take you down when you decide to walk in your God-given identity!
The enemy may have thrown all hell at you – believe me I know what that feels like – but you have the choice to sit back and accept defeat, or stand up in the face of the enemy and every force that opposes you and fight for your destiny. You have the choice to fight for your identity and walk in a greater authority than you’ve ever anticipated.
“Teach your daughters to worry less about fitting into glass slippers and more about shattering glass ceilings.”
This year at Arise 2018 come and shatter every ceiling, barrier and obstacle between you and all that God has for you.
Bianca Lee Norman