Mark Twain once said the two most important days in a person’s life is the day they are born and the day they discover why they were born.
I believe this year many women are going to have supernatural destiny discoveries through the programme that’s being prepared. God spoke to Jeremiah, in Jeremiah 1:5 and said, “Jeremiah, I am your Creator, and before you were born, I chose you to speak for me to the nations.” (Contemporary English Version).
There is a Word God’s been stirring in my heart, so I want you to get ready for what He’s about to do in your life during the Arise 2018 Conference.
Your life is way bigger than the moment you’re in right now, your influence is far greater than you realize, you have been chosen and called to the kingdom for such a time as this.
Can’t wait to see what the Holy Spirit is going to release into and out of our lives this year. See you there.
Wyona Norman